Sunday, October 14, 2007

I stood there...

i stood there...

I stood there...
Till the end of time..
Till the stars did not shine..

I felt each water droplet touch me..
i felt it just could not be ...
The force touching my soul..
the waters creeping through the hole..

I stood there...
wishing for you to be back..
wondering what it was that i lack..


~mE said...

Well u stood there thinking of the time...
times of togetherness..
times when u were happy..
but all that starts has to come to an end :)
it just got there is nothing that u lack..its just that it got over ..:) Like popcorn its over..but there are more to come :))
lol i know my analogy is not right..but thats how life becomes light and beautiful :))

Kshitiz Anand said...

:) what you said is actually very true and a right to some extent..!
There are just too many things in life to enjoy than to worry or of the past!

~mE said...

Gee :) i still like my popcorn analogy..i am gonna get some this evening the microwave wala :D