Thursday, May 31, 2007

...and then i cried.

May 31st, Studio Desk
...and then i cried.

Many a times... there are faces that refuse to go away from your mental imagery. This lady's was perhaps one of them. It haunts you every time you look at them. Each element makes you question yourself. The luxury that one desires for in life fizzles out in a second and the very next moment you are made to realize of the truth. The truth that there are many like these who are helpless.. and find it difficult to even collect enough for two meals a day. The irony is that most of these are found near temples. Often one wonders whether its the faith in the almighty that keeps them going. The belief that their days will perhaps improve someday. There would be one generous person coming out of the temple who would take care of them or who would feed them and relieve them of their miseries.

On my way up the Shivagange trek, at the very onset of the journey there was this beggar who asked for money. My friends gave her some so i did not give. I moved on after clicking this shot. Returned after three hours. To find the lady again there.
This time i did not shoot as the light was really harsh. But instead of focusing through my eye of the camera as the last time .. i focussed through my own.
My mind was running with thoughts and so many things.. and before i could realize.. i sensed that my cheeks were wet.

Yes... and then i cried and moved on.

End of May. I start a last month in Bangalore.
Its been a good 2 years almost since I came here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I wait..

May 30th, Studio Desk
I wait with open arms

with open arms..
for you to come back..
for you to be mine one day

with closed eyes...
to open to find u in front of me..
to be mine forever.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


May 29th, Studio Desk

Al Salaam a'alaykum / Barev / Zdraveite / Nei Hou / Bok / Dobry den / Goddag / Hallo / Tere / Terve / Bonjour / Guten Tag /
Kalimera / Aloha / Shalom / Namaste / Szia / Assalamu alai kum / Buon giorno / Konnichiwa / Annyong ha shimnikka / Labas / Ni Hao / Ba'ax ka wa'alik / Sekoh / Ya at eeh / God dag /
Selam / Czesc / Oi / Buna ziua / Zdraustvuite / Talofa lava / Zdravo / Dobry den / Zdravo / Hola / Jambo / God dag / Magandang tanghali po / Merhaba / Pryvit / Mique / Bore da

Just pipped in to say Hello to all!

Monday, May 28, 2007


May 27th, Studio Desk

What did one rock say to the other?

What did one rock say to the other?

Lets "Rock" together!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Surprise with a smile...

May 27th, Studio desk


Have you ever done this?
Walking down the road..
In a serious mood.
You observe a person coming from front.
You approach him..
and burst into a smile!

Watch him return you the favour..
Watch him smile...
You cherish the moment..
Smile again..
and Move on..
only to surprise someone else again...

...and again.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

What do i do ?

May 26th, Sify Cafe
What do i do

..when i do not get ur calls..
..when i do not get ur messages..
when the world seems upside down.
when all smiles turn into a frown.

Friday, May 25, 2007

To the master..

May 25th, Studio Desk

The worker

I dedicate this portrait to the great director Satyajit Ray.. whose movies have inspired me each day.
I recently watched a movie titled "Aparajita" I would suggest that to anyone who is really interested in black and white medium and pure unadulterated photography.
Every frame of his has had me thinking and has left me spell bound. The simplicity of his frames have been the most powerful element in it

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reaching out...

May 24th , Studio Desk


The bridges are breaking..
the roads getting tougher..
The destination seems afar..
the setting sun taking the hope..

Fear not my friend..
the sun will rise again..
there will be hope again..
The destinations will be reached..
The souls will be pleased.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Keep the Faith..

May 23rd, Studio Desk


No matter how much in stress I am ..
Or ho much troubles i face..
I know that he is there for me..
I never mind the long wait..
I just have to keep the Faith..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


May 22nd, Studio Desk
The Stare

How many of them can you take?
Do they intimidate you?
Do you ever stare back at them?
Does it make you uncomfortable?

One friend had done an entire series on stares..
You would be surprised at the different types that exist!

Monday, May 21, 2007


21st May, Studio Desk

The nostalgic feeling is starting to set in..
Oh lord.. I hate this part ..
One fine day I will be gone from this place..
the countdown has begun..

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wheels of time...

20th May, Nema's house
Wheel at Konark Temple

These interesting sculptures at the Sun Temple,Konark.
Wheels of time..

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Fly back

May 19th, Naveen's home
...back to where I belong.

will be back to the homeland
the feeling is nice..

Friday, May 18, 2007

Back to those days..

May 18th, Sid's desk
run on beach

Back to those healthy days!
and trust me ...
it does feel nice!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Towards Light...

May 17th, Studio Desk
Towards Light

In search of more success..
In search of a future bright..
I pack my bags and leave shores..
I travel towards the light.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


May 16th, Studio Desk
Buds of Desire

Wish one could curb all the desires and not let it grow.
Desires leads to expectations and
expectations leads to misery!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Should I...

May 15th , Studio Desk
Should I ...

Should I click them or not?
This kid was very reluctant to get clicked by me. So i literally had to play hide and seek with him; with he hiding behind his mother and waiting to see if I had left or not.
For the first time i had my subject who cried at seeing my camera and then I realized it does look scary.. especially to people who have never seen it. This kid started crying the moment i put the camera near my face to click. I was disturbed by this and decided not to click.
Just shot this shot without actually looking through the view finder.. I was smiling at the kid.. hoping that he would be kind enough to pose for a couple of shot.... or perhaps just oblige me with a smile before i leave there.
I just don't like to see these kids cry.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The looks..

May 14th, Studio Desk

The looks

How often have u been confronted with the looks and stares of the people you meet?
Have you ever felt the urge to capture them and to revisit them any point later?

Happy Mother's day

May 13th, Sid's Desk
Mother and Son | Madiwala Market, Bangalore

To all the mothers in the world.
The most beautiful people on earth...
I Salute thee!

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Single and Happy?

May 12th, Manish home
Single and Happy

Had taken this photograph long time ago,
when i was in college and had just got the photography fever
I dont know why...
i just love this photograph!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Never Stop Spirit...

May 11th, Studio Desk
...ruk jaana nahin tu kahin haar ke..

"Ruk jaana nahi tu kahin haar ke
Kaanton pe chalke milenge saaye bahaar ke..."

Dedicated to one of my close friend who is leaving
the company today and going in search of greener pastures.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


May 10th, Studio Desk


You gave me the courage to stand alone and face the world.
You gave me the strength to go from one pillars of success to the other..
I embark on a new journey alone soon...
Hope you are there at every step.
Every step my lord.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


May 9th, Studio Desk


There is no award more than satisfying than attaining happiness for yourself.
Rest all is ephemeral.

Monday, May 7, 2007


May 8th, Studio Desk


Many a times we are so trapped in the materialistic world,
that we fail to notice the beauty surrounding it.


May 7th, Studio Desk

Its all about the choices that one makes.
Some years down the line one may think that the choices that i made
was wrong and I should have not done it.
But we fail to understand that all decisions taken are
the best at that particular moment.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Looking up...

May 6th, Sid's Desk
Opening Up

Another close friend's birthday today!
How i wish i could be there with him!
Wishing him a very Happy Birthday!
May you look upto newer lights
with more zeal and ardor
and happiness and enthusiasm!

Friday, May 4, 2007


May 5th, Ankush Home
In life's most simplest of things lie the most joy!
Like seeing a child smile and happy..
the perfectness of nature..
the coolness of the breeze..

Thursday, May 3, 2007

The years sped by...

May 4th, Studio Desk
Infosys 25 Years Celebrations

It's my friend's birthday!

How i watched the years sped by..
Another one passes..
What have i achieved?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Time to pause

May 3rd, Studio

Toiled for days..
and then months..
and then years..

and then one day..
I stopped..
to look at my hands..
what had it become.

Was it mine?

I failed to recognize it.
Something was missing
the softness..
the caring touch that it possessed...

Will i be able to get it back?
Or is it a part of the growth process....

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Nature Inspires

May 2nd, Studio

The beauty in nature keeps me mesmerized...
I am always in awe whenever i see the perfection.
in the harmony and the patterns lie the beauty!

Wish life could be as perfect!