Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thank You


...the rural children in India for providing me the strength each day, sharing your smiles and joys.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Where did the time go?


I paused to look behind.
Wasn't it just yesterday that I got in.

Been so many days already!
And its time to get back soon.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

For the love of chai

Is there anything better

The feeling and experience of having hot tea on a cold winter day is inexplicable.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Chai Pose

Pose with the Tea

It's been a while since I clicked candid or posed portraits.

I just love the looks that people give and the effort they put in to look good.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chai Times

There is no fixed time...

Have you ever stopped by to have tea with any random person on the street or in the markets?

One thing I love about India, is the love that I get from so many unknown people whom I click pictures of. There has not been one shoot I recall where I have not been offered tea. And so many times they just refuse to take the payment for the tea.

So, most of the times I oblige and spend time with them. Sharing those tea moments. And I must admit that those moments are nothing short of joy. They allow me to come to terms with so many other things. Life just seem to be going on so peacefully for so many people without having to worry about stock market crash , economy, recession etc etc.

I miss being amongst these people and I am so glad that I get to be back there soon! :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Chai ka Mazaa

For the chai lovers

Is only in India.
That too the road side tea.

Someone asked me the other day.
Why Are you going back to India.

I replied saying that I don't get the roadside tea here in the US.
And I was not joking.

Cheers to the Chai!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

What gives you simple joys?


For me its a child's innocent smile.
What about you?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Please help me make her smile....

What does it take ...

Come to think of it, everything boils to a smile.
You desire for one, from most places and often end up not getting it.

While I understand that it is difficult for children in rural parts of India, having little or no access to education, to smile, I wonder what holds us (the educated class) from smiling?

Smile and be fortunate at what you have. And do not forget to spread the smile.
Thats my thought which I have said over the months, in almost every talk, presentation, meetings.

So, come please help me spread the smile.
Soon will be launching a new project.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In the age of super jets


I feel like riding a bullock cart.. far from the maddening crowd..
I guess I am just weird..

But happily weird as soon that wish will be fulfilled! :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Almost two years

All smiles

Since I went to these schools for the first time and clicked pictures. The pictures have been seen by people from all over the world and been appreciated.

I share my joy with these kids and thank them for the priceless smiles that they give me everytime I visit them.

I am going to be with them soon. And this time it is for more time.

I am excited.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poultry Farm Dreams

Poultry Farms Dream

I have met quite a few interesting children at these schools.One of them in particular was this child.

I generally ask the children in the classes about what they want to become when they grow up. The most common things I hear are doctors and engineers amongst the boys and the girls are mostly nurses and teachers.

This kid wanted to have his own poultry farm and believed that the education would help him achieve that. The others in the class laughed at his answer, but I did not. Here was this one child who was so clear on his goal, that I am pretty confident that he will end up fulfilling his dream.

The schools in these regions of rural Bihar has a huge dropout percentage. Making the children realize the value of an education and the ability to dream an attainable dream is a challenge.

I am eager to help out this kid in getting his dream fulfilled in whatever way possible.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Promoting Equality in Child Education

Equality in Education

One family at a time.
One school at a time.

Friday, April 17, 2009

An avatar of God


The child.

"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man. " ~Rabindranath Tagore

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Getting enlightened

Getting enlightened

The more I meet newer people, the more enlightened I feel.
Its just so amazing to know about their works, their passions, and their lives. Like a story with all fascinating characters.. and fascinating incidents.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Midnight Mass @ St John's Church ~13

If I can be atleast 10 % of what my father is, I will have considered my life well spent.

My parents are doctors and whole their lives they have spent serving the poor of the villages in Bihar. Every day I am at home, the interactions with the patients leave me in a state of shock. Just talking to them makes me question so many things. It's amazing how these small small interactions leave a mark on you. I can definitely say that, that is the thing that has changed my views on life most than anything else.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On Contemplation

Singing Girls @ Gurudwara

Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit of which nature herself is animated.
Auguste Rodin

I often like to contemplate. Often it ends up in day dreaming too, but then I love to dream. I dream more and more, because I am not afraid of failure.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Never Doubt Yourself

Thinking | Madiwala Market, Bangalore

I think that's one of the most demeaning thing that one can do to oneself.

If only more people followed that.

Sunday, April 12, 2009



Often I question myself
WHY is it that only in times of trouble we remember God so vehemently?
I understand that he/she is there at all times and is looking upon us and is taking note of all the good and the bad things, but still why does the realization come only when something goes wrong?

Like you want something really badly and start praying that it works out..

Isn't that being selfish?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Finding Love ...

Where do you find love?

Do you really need to hunt for it?
Can't you find it in everything?
In every person?
In yourself?

Is it really that difficult to find?
May be the kind of love it different in all the above cases, but it still is easy to find.

I find it in nature
in the people i meet
in myself.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Divine Intervention

Midnight Mass @ St John's Church ~17


Not that I do not need it on other days, but need it urgently for the next few weeks.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I pause...


I am a traveler.
I go with the wind.

Sometimes I pause.
One City to the another.
I hop.

Boston is my next stop.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Good old friends

Friends Again

Oh the interesting people we meet along the way ...
Some forgotten over night..
Some friends for life...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

All those who want to study

I want to study

...raise your hands.

I often ask this question when I visit the schools back at home. I am surprised often that its almost the whole class who want to study.

Unfortunately so many difficult situations come into the picture and many move out of school and put an end to their dreams.

I often contemplate, how can one motivate the children and also their parents on the value of education?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Color Palette

The Bride

Was going through my archives ... and came across this wedding shot I had done some time back.

I love the color palette in Indian Weddings!